City Ordinance
Clarifying the convulted language on the Knox State Primary and County General Ballot for the election of August 5, 2004.
An Ordinance providing that the City of Knoxville shall not authorize, appropriate, allocate, budget or provide for any public funds to be used to construct, cause to be constructed, or pay for or acquire (by exchange or otherwise) any new structures, facilities or land, including buildings or garage or park ing facilities or pedestrian connections or bridges, or related facilities and improvements, to be used primarily to support or assist a new convention center hotel in the City of Knoxville, including any funds pro posed (or to be proposed) in the City of Knoxville’s Capital Improvements Program and that the City of Knoxvil le shall not extend or use the credit or financial resources of the City of Knoxville to guarantee, support o r fund, directly or indirectly, any bonds, loans, or other debt obligations or other credit enhancement faci lities of any nature, to support or finance the construction or acquisition of any such above-described new facilities or structures, provided that this prohibition shall not apply to the City’s existing auth ority to otherwise provide for tax or lease abatements.
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